Bourgogne de Vigne en Verre

35 Domaines, 35 Identités,
300 ha de vignobles,
90 AOC de Bourgogne

Bourgogne de Vigne en Verre a été créé en 1981 à l’initiative de vignerons souhaitant optimiser la gestion commerciale et logistique de leurs domaines. Ce regroupement répond plus que jamais aux besoins des professionnels du monde du vin : une distribution contrôlée.

Qui sommes-nous ?

Domain Michel Briday

Stéphane Briday

" Nos terroirs jouent de la complexité et de la minéralité. "

"Oak in white wines? Like salt in soup, it shouldn’t be noticed."

Stéphane Briday has personality, just like his wines. Unless of course it’s the other way around, with the wines resembling him. No matter. What is important is the fact that the quality of the bottles he offers is as a direct result of the integrity of the man and his goal for the wines of Burgundy: to nurture the healthiest harvest in order to produce balanced wines with fruit that quite literally “explodes”.
“Especially for the white wines of Rully, that’s the way I like them,” explains Stéphane Briday. He believes passionately that the vibrancy of the fruit should be an expression not of the grape variety alone, but of the terroir as well. “Our terroirs yield complexity and a mineral quality in the wines.” Terroirs that he cultivates by plowing, and working in an environmentally friendly way.
Assisted by Sandrine his wife, Stéphane Briday has his feet firmly rooted in Rully’s vineyards. He also has other excellent Côte- Chalonnaise offerings to his credit. In Mercurey he vinifies magnificent red wines. Dense wines, with a tight .structure but supple tannins and no .rough edges. In Bouzeron he works with the Aligoté grape variety, which express crispness and liveliness in just the right measure.
Whatever the appellation, Stéphane Briday is obsessed by one all-consuming objective: to master quality.
In the cave, he draws on his winemaking heritage and his own experience to further his goals, with the moderation and reflection necessary for any success.


Stéphane Briday, who is now in charge, personifies the domaine today just as his father did before him, when taking up the challenge of creating a wine domaine in Burgundy in the 1970s.
Michel Briday started out with 6 hectares of vines on a share-cropping and vineyard rental basis; supported by the conviction that he’d succeed, and by the sweat of his brow and that of his wife.
Today, the domaine runs to 13,7 hectares. Stéphane and his wife have taken over the responsibility for the domaine in their stride, stamping their own mark on things, with the same ambition as the first generation.


Wines that are perfectly balanced, with lots of fruit and complexity. Complexity that is provided by the terroirs, and in moderate use of oak casks. Never 100% new oak is used, and always in a proportion that is best suited to the parcel, and to the vintage :
La Pucelle requires only 10% new wood, because the wines from this premier cru can all too easily be “marked” by over use of oak, whereas the Grésigny is treated to 20%, in order to make it more expressive. The delicacy of the aromas is essential, much more so than power.

With white Rully, it’s freshness that dominates, without heaviness. The harvest is brought in at the exact point of maturity. The red wines are supple, with no harshness but with a structure that allows them to age.




31, Grande Rue
71150 RULLY

Stéphane Briday

" Nos terroirs jouent de la complexité et de la minéralité. "

"Oak in white wines? Like salt in soup, it shouldn’t be noticed."

Stéphane Briday has personality, just like his wines. Unless of course it’s the other way around, with the wines resembling him. No matter. What is important is the fact that the quality of the bottles he offers is as a direct result of the integrity of the man and his goal for the wines of Burgundy: to nurture the healthiest harvest in order to produce balanced wines with fruit that quite literally “explodes”.
“Especially for the white wines of Rully, that’s the way I like them,” explains Stéphane Briday. He believes passionately that the vibrancy of the fruit should be an expression not of the grape variety alone, but of the terroir as well. “Our terroirs yield complexity and a mineral quality in the wines.” Terroirs that he cultivates by plowing, and working in an environmentally friendly way.
Assisted by Sandrine his wife, Stéphane Briday has his feet firmly rooted in Rully’s vineyards. He also has other excellent Côte- Chalonnaise offerings to his credit. In Mercurey he vinifies magnificent red wines. Dense wines, with a tight .structure but supple tannins and no .rough edges. In Bouzeron he works with the Aligoté grape variety, which express crispness and liveliness in just the right measure.
Whatever the appellation, Stéphane Briday is obsessed by one all-consuming objective: to master quality.
In the cave, he draws on his winemaking heritage and his own experience to further his goals, with the moderation and reflection necessary for any success.


Stéphane Briday, who is now in charge, personifies the domaine today just as his father did before him, when taking up the challenge of creating a wine domaine in Burgundy in the 1970s.
Michel Briday started out with 6 hectares of vines on a share-cropping and vineyard rental basis; supported by the conviction that he’d succeed, and by the sweat of his brow and that of his wife.
Today, the domaine runs to 13,7 hectares. Stéphane and his wife have taken over the responsibility for the domaine in their stride, stamping their own mark on things, with the same ambition as the first generation.


Wines that are perfectly balanced, with lots of fruit and complexity. Complexity that is provided by the terroirs, and in moderate use of oak casks. Never 100% new oak is used, and always in a proportion that is best suited to the parcel, and to the vintage :
La Pucelle requires only 10% new wood, because the wines from this premier cru can all too easily be “marked” by over use of oak, whereas the Grésigny is treated to 20%, in order to make it more expressive. The delicacy of the aromas is essential, much more so than power.

With white Rully, it’s freshness that dominates, without heaviness. The harvest is brought in at the exact point of maturity. The red wines are supple, with no harshness but with a structure that allows them to age.




31, Grande Rue
71150 RULLY



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