Bourgogne de Vigne en Verre

35 Domaines, 35 Identités,
300 ha de vignobles,
90 AOC de Bourgogne

Bourgogne de Vigne en Verre a été créé en 1981 à l’initiative de vignerons souhaitant optimiser la gestion commerciale et logistique de leurs domaines. Ce regroupement répond plus que jamais aux besoins des professionnels du monde du vin : une distribution contrôlée.

Qui sommes-nous ?

Philippe Chéron

Gevrey-Chambertin "Les Seuvrées" (Red)

La Côte de Nuits - pinot noir

grand cru Village

Durée de conservation
3 to 10 years

Température de service
16-17° C

Gevrey-Chambertin Gevrey-Chambertin Télécharger le pdf Send by email


We acquired a new parcel of vines in Gevrey-Chambertin in 2012. It is located in the Les Seuvrées climat and covers 26 ares.  The climat sits on the southern boundary of the territory of Gevrey and is therefore situated below Les Mazoyéres and Charmes Chambertin. The vineyard is planted on a Comblanchien limestone outcrop, partially covered in Bresse marl.  One third of the vineyard was planted in 1954 and the remainder in 1960. It produces a maximum of 1,500 bottles.


The vinification respects the Domaine’s usual style which seeks to bring out the fruit and varietal aromas.  20-30% of the grapes going into vat are not destalked, as we strive to accentuate the naturally distinctive personality of this cru.   The wine undergoes long temperature-controlled fermentation lasting at least three weeks, with gentle extraction carried out through moderate cap punching operations.

The wines undergo 12 months ageing on the lees without racking.  The usual proportion of new barrels used is limited to 20%, to avoid covering  the wine with strong oaky notes.

Notes de dégustation

Les Seuvrées wine shows the characteristic signature of a particular terroir in Gevrey, where the “village” denominated vines generally grow on layers of alluvium.  Here, the marl creates a generous and opulent character, with the limestone preserving nobility and breeding.  The traditional planting helps bring harmony to the whole.  

Mets d'accompagnements

Vinified in a lovely precise, contemporary style, Les Seuvrées, when enjoyed young, pairs particularly well with modern cuisine.  As the wine matures, it will pair more naturally with traditional dishes.

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