Bourgogne de Vigne en Verre

35 Domaines, 35 Identités,
300 ha de vignobles,
90 AOC de Bourgogne

Bourgogne de Vigne en Verre a été créé en 1981 à l’initiative de vignerons souhaitant optimiser la gestion commerciale et logistique de leurs domaines. Ce regroupement répond plus que jamais aux besoins des professionnels du monde du vin : une distribution contrôlée.

Qui sommes-nous ?

Domaine de Montorge

Montagny 1er Cru "Les Coères" (White)

La Côte Chalonnaise - Chardonnay

grand cru 1er Cru

Durée de conservation
6 to 10 years

Température de service

Montagny 1er Cru Montagny 1er Cru Télécharger le pdf Send by email


The vines, with an average age of 30 years, are located in the climat of "Les Coères", which means "hazelnut trees". The earth here is brown and made up of deep, clay marl.

“Les Coères" covers 2.5 hectares situated on a hill to the east of the domaine and lies close to Jully-lès-Buxy (climat to the north of Les Chaniots).


The grapes undergo a very gentle pressing in a pneumatic press. No sulphites are added to the must in order to preserve all the aromas and enable the wines to keep longer. Fermentation takes place in temperature-controlled stainless steel vats (50%) and oak barrels (50%), and the malolactic fermentation is fully completed. The 14-18 months ageing in vat preserves the wine’s finesse and the freshness of the fruit.

Depending on the year, Yann Flandre might age the wine on its lees.

Notes de dégustation

The nose presents lovely fruity notes. Thanks to the nature of the soils, "Les Coères" produces the domaine's smoothest wines.

The palate matches the aromas found on the nose with fruity notes and a touch of citrus. It is smooth with a lovely long, delectable finish. Bright, light-gold hue.

This wine can be enjoyed within 2 to 3 years, but can also be appreciated after 6 to 8 years cellar-ageing.

Mets d'accompagnements

With its lovely smooth character, this wine will pair nicely with charcuterie, white meat dishes or even tuna and swordfish.

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