Bourgogne de Vigne en Verre

35 Domaines, 35 Identités,
300 ha de vignobles,
90 AOC de Bourgogne

Bourgogne de Vigne en Verre a été créé en 1981 à l’initiative de vignerons souhaitant optimiser la gestion commerciale et logistique de leurs domaines. Ce regroupement répond plus que jamais aux besoins des professionnels du monde du vin : une distribution contrôlée.

Qui sommes-nous ?

Domain Meix Foulot

Mercurey (Red)

La Côte Chalonnaise - Pinot noir

grand cru Village

Durée de conservation
2 to 7 years

Température de service

Mercurey Mercurey Télécharger le pdf Send by email


Surface: 7 hectares
Age: 5 to 52 years     
Soil: Marl, clay, silt, limestone subsoil
Exposure: South, east, southeast or southwest

This wine is the domaine's most important in terms of volume and we ensure it is always of good quality from one year to the next. It is made from a blend of wines from different Mercurey terroirs, which is re-assessed each year, a few months before bottling. The diversity of the Domaine's terroirs allows du Meix Foulot to produce consistent, harmonious wines year in, year out.


The grapes are harvested by hand and go into crates which are transported to the winery every ¾ hour, at most, to be sorted by the team at the domaine, then completely destemmed without crushing: the grape berries remain whole and uncrushed to protect the juice from oxidation. The aromas are therefore preserved. The vatting period lasts 15-20 days, depending on the vintage. Cap punching and pumping over operations are carried out, according to the characteristics of the vintage. 40% of the wine is aged in vat to preserve the freshness of the fruit and 60% in barrels (aged from 2-5 years) to complete the palette of aromas. After malo-lactic fermentation (which usually takes place in May or June) the wine is racked and made ready for bottling 14-15 months after the harvest.  Filtration is not generally carried out as the turbidity of the wine is very low.

Notes de dégustation

Bright, with a beautiful garnet red hue. Intense and complex on the nose with the traditional array of red fruit aromas (cherries, raspberries, redcurrants). The oak is smooth and subtle. When young, the wine, enriched by these fruity flavours, is harmoniously balanced by a perceptible yet delicate tannic structure but, after a few years' ageing, the tannins will soften and the fruit ripen.

Mets d'accompagnements

This wine will be perfectly at home with many dishes, from the simplest to the most sophisticated: when enjoyed young, it pairs well with all grilled white and red meats and cheese. When more mature, it reveals its richness when served with marinated, stewed red meat, and is always perfect with a platter of cheese.

This wine can be enjoyed when fairly young, but will bear 7-8 years’ ageing, after which it will reveal even more roundness and long-lasting flavours.

Serve at 17°C. Open the bottle one hour before serving to allow the fruit aromas to develop to the full.

Nos suggestions

Domain A. & B. Labry
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Domaine Chofflet
Domaine G. Lignier
Rully "Les 4 Vignes"
Rully "Les 4 Vignes"
Domain Michel Briday
Savigny Les Beaune
Savigny Les Beaune
Domain Edmond Cornu and Son

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