Bourgogne de Vigne en Verre

35 Domaines, 35 Identités,
300 ha de vignobles,
90 AOC de Bourgogne

Bourgogne de Vigne en Verre a été créé en 1981 à l’initiative de vignerons souhaitant optimiser la gestion commerciale et logistique de leurs domaines. Ce regroupement répond plus que jamais aux besoins des professionnels du monde du vin : une distribution contrôlée.

Qui sommes-nous ?

Domaine des Verchères

Bourgogne (Red)

La Côte Mâconnaise - Pinot noir

grand cru Régional

Durée de conservation
2 to 5 years

Température de service
15 to 18° C

Bourgogne Bourgogne Télécharger le pdf Send by email


The Domaine des Verchères has seen several generations of the Dupuis family. André Dupuis, helped by his two sons, Jean-Christophe and Rémi, works a total of about 27 hectares of vineyards spread over the communes of Mancey and Royer.  The Bourgogne appellation makes up 3.72 hectares of the Domaine's surface area, with parcels mainly located in “Les Laines”, "La Faz" and "La Moutotte” in Royer; and "En Tronchire", "Sur les Devants" and “Sous la Verdeaux” in Mancey.  The vines are aged 36 years on average, the youngest are 15 years  old and the oldest 69 years old. The parcels are red earth type clay-limestone. The pruning method used is Guyot or Cordon de Royat, depending on the parcel.  The soils are covered in straw to control erosion. They face southwest at an altitude of about 300m.


The grapes are crushed on arrival at the winery. The fermentation creates an increase in temperature, which helps maceration, resulting in the distribution of colour within the fermenting must. Fermentation lasts 8-10 days, during which pumping-over operations are carried out and the temperature constantly monitored. After racking and blending, 50% of the wine goes into vats and the remaining 50% into barrels.  After several rackings, bottling is carried out in July.

Notes de dégustation

Light ruby %u200B%u200Bred hue. Lovely fresh red fruit on the nose (sweet and sour cherries, strawberries), with some aromas of fresh moss, fruit compote (prunes) and a hint of liquorice as a result of the barrel ageing. Clean-cut on entry to the palate, with a nice amount of acidity.  Fairly supple tannins.

Mets d'accompagnements

This wine can be paired with grilled or roasted red meats, poultry, game and cheeses.

Nos suggestions

Bernard Moreau Vigneron
Domaine Dupré
Mâcon Matescense blanc
Mâcon Matescense blanc
Les Vignerons de Mancey
Bourgogne "Les Essentielles"
Bourgogne "Les Essentielles"
Les Vignerons de Mancey
Bourgogne Côte Chalonnaise
Bourgogne Côte Chalonnaise
Domaine Derain

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