Bourgogne de Vigne en Verre

35 Domaines, 35 Identités,
300 ha de vignobles,
90 AOC de Bourgogne

Bourgogne de Vigne en Verre a été créé en 1981 à l’initiative de vignerons souhaitant optimiser la gestion commerciale et logistique de leurs domaines. Ce regroupement répond plus que jamais aux besoins des professionnels du monde du vin : une distribution contrôlée.

Qui sommes-nous ?

Domain Edmond Cornu and Son

Chorey-les-Beaune "Les Bons Ores" (Red)

La Côte de Beaune - Pinot noir

grand cru Village

Durée de conservation
4 to 10 years

Température de service
16 to 18° C

Chorey-les-Beaune Chorey-les-Beaune Télécharger le pdf Send by email


The village of Chorey-les-Beaune is located in the northeastern extension of Beaune where it adjoins the farming areas of Savigny and Aloxe Corton. The vines are planted on light clayey limestone soil over a gravel subsoil.


Grapes are hand-picked and then conveyed to the winery in crates. Part of the harvest is stripped and poured into a vat, where it ferments for an 8- to 10-day period. The technique employed enables producing elegant and delicate wines. After pressing, fermentation is completed in vats before transport to the cellars for barrelling, where vinification will last 12-18 months. Two or three racking steps will be carried out in order to separate out the deposits forming at the barrel bottom during the various vinification phases. Prior to bottling, a last racking allows assembling the wine in preparation of the clarification step. Just one slight filtration is performed before bottling.

Notes de dégustation

Sold for a long time under the Côtes de Beaune Villages label, Chorey-les-Beaune is less renowned than its neighboring ,appellations. Voluptuous and tangy, solidly built around soft tannins.

Mets d'accompagnements

The Chorey-les-Beaune appellation can be cellared between 4 and 10 years under appropriate conditions yet can also be served much sooner. A delectable and fruity wine, it still features nice tannin texture. Great accompaniment for game dishes, red meats and gourmet cheese platters.

Nos suggestions

Aloxe-Corton Vieilles Vignes
Aloxe-Corton Vieilles Vignes
Domain Edmond Cornu and Son
Domain A. & B. Labry
Givry "Héritage"
Givry "Héritage"
Domaine Chofflet
Domain Meix Foulot
Rully "Les 4 Vignes"
Rully "Les 4 Vignes"
Domain Michel Briday

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